How does the saying go? There's no life like it. As I have recently discovered that statement is absolutely true. I have been in theater for one month and have pretty much adjusted to army life at Forward Operating Base Walton which is located very near Kandahar City. It also has the reputation of being among the most austere places that CIVPOL officers have the pleasure of residing. Lucky me!
Are you sensing the sarcasm? At first glance things look rough to the untrained eye but if you were here you'd appreciate the quality of the living quarters compared to that of the Afghan people in and around Kandahar City. Besides, it just takes a little time to get used to.
My role here at FOB Walton is to mentor 3 high ranking officials of the Regional Headquarters named 404 Maiwand. It's realm of responsibility covers the southern provinces of Afghanistan. I am currently mentoring the Chiefs of Counter Narcotics, Counter Terrorism and DIAG (Disarm Insurgents and Armed Groups)...okay! Maybe I am working a little above my pay grade but I'm just following orders!
Most days I don't go outside the wire because RHQ is attached to FOB Walton. It's a leisurely walk up a slight hill to an air conditioned office where we sip on Chai tea and work on improving the Afghan National Police in a variety ways including communications, logistics and manpower.
Even though mentoring is a key factor in empowering the A.N.P. to become self sufficient it is not what I envisioned for myself over here. That being said, I have really enjoyed getting to know some of the Afghan people on a personal level. I am amazed at their tenacity, patience and generosity. They welcome us into their offices, which are basically their homes for a lot of them, offer us MORE Chai tea and allow us to critique and advise them on everything from investigations to report writing. Believe me, it's humbling when a 30 year veteran of the Afghan National Police asks a 10 year guy from Canada the best way to deal with a situation.
Some of the local kids manage to get in to the base and hang out in the commons area where they get a healthy diet of sugar before heading home to their village just outside the wall. I'm sure their parents are thrilled to get them back all jacked up on Coke and cookies!
FOB Walton is an American run base with a D-FAC (dining facility) that feeds the troops here in typical U.S. Army fashion. Although it's improving as the base grows, the food selection is largely high calorie in order to keep the young U.S. troops high in energy...not so good for a 41 year old metabolism!
One thing I have learned being on mission so far is that things change. For example, the job I have now is the 3rd job I was told I'd be doing. I don't expect to spend my entire time in theater mentoring the Regional Headquarters staff but ya never know.
After one month, I am generally healthy, mostly happy and enjoying the experience. There are days when I'm brushing my teeth with warm bottled water (always hated that) that I think to myself I could be headed to Chatham for my nephew Hayden's birthday or driving west along the 401 for Thanksgiving dinner or going to the Tecumseh Secondary School Reunion!! *sigh* But then I just shrug my shoulders, spit and head into work!
Hi Jay sounds like your adjusting well. I am heading to the sister in laws cottage to have a couple of coronas. Its in the 20's here nice. leafs won on thursday 3-2 over the Habs. Play ottawa tonight. They are already planning the route. I will save you spot on the route. Sit down and take a deep breath Josh was offered the job with TPS he signs up October 22 and school starts December 16. Are you coming home at Christmas or when. We all miss you we are planning christmas dinner for the office talk soon luv moon
ReplyDeleteHey Jay,
ReplyDeleteSounds like you have settled in very nicely. Me and the boys here miss you very much, and over thanksgiving weekend we will definitely pile back some corona for ya! Love the blog, keep it up!
Scotty Weir
Hey Jay,
ReplyDeleteSpent 2003/4 in Kandahar. Has it changed much? Do they still have the saturday bazaar? Keep your chin up mate. I'll be checking in with your blog from time to time. TimmyA
Jason...didn't think I'd post a comment but you know me.........can't resist it from time to time.
ReplyDeleteI always check out your photos because you know I'm into that sort of thing. You must be doing OK and be feeling like you are at "home" there by now.
How can I tell that you ask ??? Enlarge one of the photos....... The one with the Wet Wipes over your crib, the various lube bottles on the table, the every so handy roll of TP on the bed post, not to mention the ever so important laptop near by as well. Obviously you have internet access........obviously with no filters
Seems like you are enjoying yourself my friend !!!!!
Seriously though...Proud of you Kid. Tread lightly.
Hey buddy, glad to hear all is well with you. Looks like you have adapted well and are experiencing a whole new world.
ReplyDeleteMiss and Love You Buddy
Hang on a sec Jay this cap on da bloody Corona is a bit stubborn. The can of Becks in one of ur picks was probably more cooperative. I too noticed the easy access to the handy role of tpaper on the bed post, wet ones on the shelf and fully powered apple on the shelf. Happy thanks giving buddy... This year your doing all the giving. Stay strong and say hi to Dan for me.
Proud of u Jason!
ReplyDeleteThinking about you,,,,back at 52 Daniela
First of All- THIS IS A FAMILY FORUM !! :p
ReplyDeleteTim- Great to hear from you! KAF is huge now that the Americans are running it! About 45000 troops. Absolutely massive. Dusty, busy and massive!
Andrew- what an astute observer!! I wish I had internet here. That blog took a bout 3 hours to produce. And the toilet tissue? Let's just say it's purpose is for my nose because you grow HUGE rocks here with the dust!
Ave- zoom in a little closer, Non-alcoholic beer...AND it's gross!
Thanks for all the comments! They keep me entertained ! Miss you all!
Hi Bigman
ReplyDeleteIts good to see you're keeping those teath whiter than white.
Seems like you are settling in well but you always would. Work sounds interesting and great experience.
We're all good here. Abbi is growing into her personality and it is a big one.
Take care big guy we're all thinking of you
The Bravehearts
Brother from another mother
Spent the afternoon at the Brigden Fair, sun shining, gorgeous weekend. Had the little guy finger printed and we chatted a bit with a police officer who showed us his car. Thought of you and how you might be spending the day. Happy Thanksgiving! Take care of yourself! xoxo
ReplyDeleteHi Jason ! We're having turkey thinking of you. We miss you !
HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII jason. LOLOL dad just told me about the gps incident! You're a funny one.
ps. I'm ready to play you in hockey... didn't take much practice... ;) hahahaha JUST KIDDING you're the next wayne gretzky :)
we misss youuuu!!!!!!!!!
and our rents miss ya too!!!! :)
Hey Buddy:
ReplyDeleteStay safe and we will see you soon
Hey look great. Keep safe and we will see you real soon. Love Aunt Glo
ReplyDeleteLove the photo of you and the little guy and the way he is holding onto you as if you might get away! Does he have a name that you can pronounce? You are looking well, tanned and slightly thinner in the face. We missed you at the table on Thanksgiving, but we thought of you and missed you. Hayden and Cohen reminded us that "Uncle JJ was away being a soldier in Afganistan". Much love to you and little man at your side.
ReplyDeleteEveryone @ Gracies misses ya pal. Much Love, and a scary amount of love from Scotty, just saying. Thats as pg as i can be. Love ya Buddy
ReplyDeleteSuper T
Hey pal,
ReplyDeleteLeafs are 4 and 0!
You best stay away for a while lol!
Nice looking quarters, first time ive been able to view this blog.
Some photos of the fence line, hill etc would be nice, where are Cally and I meeting you for a vacation? Hopefully somewhere not so rugged?!
Glad to see your adjusting so far,
Take care,
Sounds like an amazing experience, wish I was there with ya.
ReplyDeleteYes, the Leafs are 4 and 0. But, it has nothing to do with you not being in Toronto :)
Stay safe,
Wow, Jason! I can't believe what an amazing adventure and challenge you have undertaken! We really missed hanging with you at the reunion last night. I look forward to following your blog.
ReplyDeleteTake good care of yourself and thank you for your efforts on behalf of all of us Canadians.
spanks want to know when you're comming...
ReplyDeletethat's me...
Jason, loving these posts brother...another update when you have a chance....miss you.
Hey Spinner...Bird and I want to send you a can we do it? Address? Loving the updates, stay safe my old overweight friend. Remember that a Browns game with all of the trimmings is on me when you return and pay your way to minneapolis :)
Hey...Jason...just to update you on family stuff...Brianne is in Africa and loving it. Eric working 6 days a week...Uncle Brian has taken on a 2 month contract...I guess this is to keep me in the life style I have become accustomed to...
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see you next month...miss you and always remember to play safe.
Have you seen Nadine at Tim Hortons or the variety store yet...she landed there a couple of weeks ago?
Jt, we missed you at training last week. Mooney and Shawn had me rolling on the floor cracking up. I hope everything is going well and it is not too hot over there. I know it is a little different from Toronto. I hope you are back in time for the conference and we will have a few pints together. Be careful my friend. See you when you get back.
ReplyDeleteYour favorite Pittsburgh Deputy!
Joe Moorhead