Afghan Adventure

My name is Jason and I am a 9 year veteran of the Toronto Police Service. I have been selected to represent my service for the upcoming International Policing Operations Branch of the RCMP in the next CIVPOL mission in Afghanistan.

I have set up this Blog for my family, friends and colleagues. It is my hope to provide a better understanding as to what is going on over in Afghanistan through my experience.

People often ask me why I have decided to take on this mission in such a politically volatile and dangerous environment. There are a lot of reasons but, Martin Luther King Jr. said it best.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

It Smells Like Victory !

I am sitting in my hotel room in Bad Homburg, Germany in a quaint little hotel, taking time to reflect upon the last 9 months.

A couple days ago I was climbing on to the airplane out of Kandahar and as I climbed the stairs to the door I took a long look around, felt the warm air on my face and smelled the aroma of jet fuel. The experience was bitter-sweet. The mission had come to an end and I was happy and a little sad all at the same time. But, we were en route to Germany and that felt great. It felt great knowing I'd be home in 3 days!

I know I could have blogged more, done a better job of 'keeping in touch' but all I can say about that is that the last few months were more of the same. Not that I was bored, I just didn't feel that there was much newsworthy stuff to write about at the time. I'll apologize quickly and move on.

This blog post is going to touch on you. All of you who showed me (and others) support over the past 9 months. I want to acknowledge all of the folks who took time to write me an email, send me a message, respond to my blog or take the time to prepare a care package! I have to say a big thank you to all of you, especially my family whom I scared to death with this endeavour, and to my friends who support me through all of my choices (including the nutty ones). I love and appreciate every one of you.

One of the things I discovered about the Canadian people is that they care. They care about our soldiers, they care about our police, fire and ambulance workers. I was moved, on more than one occasion, by the generosity of spirit Canadians have for those serving overseas and abroad. I found people have the need and desire to express gratitude and to show support. I read many cards and letters addressed to "Any Canadian Soldier" and opened gifts at Christmas that were donated by families who are proud of the men and women making the sacrifice to serve in Afghanistan.

A shining example of Canadians thinking outside the box occurred when a small cigar shop in Oshawa contacted me in order to show their appreciation and respect to the serving men and women of Afghanistan. "Victory Cigars" owners Julian Luke and Kevin Newell contacted me through a retired Toronto Police officer with a plan. They felt and had seen a growing desire by their clients to combine their love of fine cigars alongside their wish to show support.

Victory Cigars held a promotion whereby people could bid on empty cigar boxes, some of which are considered works of art, and with the money collected they would purchase cigars and send them over to Kandahar. The program generated enough interest and participation that they sent over 100 Cuban cigars to the serving members there!!

I had the distinct honour of distributing those donations to many Canadian Forces personnel, including Brigadier General Dean Milner, who, ironically is the President of the Cigar Aficionado Society of Kandahar.

Julian, Kevin and Victory Cigars were made honourary members of CASK for their generous gift. I was proud to have been included in the program.

I have to say that I have learned many, many lessons here. Some are cultural, some are spiritual and some are personal. The choice to come to Afghanistan was not difficult in the beginning. Upon closer examination of what I was giving up, things got a little tougher and finally, the light at the end of the tunnel put things back into perspective. I made it through. Because of all of you around me here and all of you in Canada I made it! Thank you all very much!

Just before I finish up this post, I'd like to acknowledge all of those who didn't make it home.

May we never forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice and their families who were left to soldier on without them.


  1. First let me say how proud I am of you. Second ...I'm glad you're coming back safe and sound, I'm sure we will never hear about "everything" you experienced but I look forward to some of the stories.
    I always considered you a great guy, good for a laugh and a cold beer, but man o man....DUDE you are something else. You have an amazing talent for writing. Your humour, compassion and professionalism shine through. I am sure you will be missed there.
    Funny, move 10,000 miles away and I've learnt more about you than when we worked in the same building.
    G Simmons

  2. So proud of you Jay and so happy to hear you are home safely like the rest of us now. Hope to cross paths again with you in the future.


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